Monday, October 1, 2012

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but d?n? ?r???rl? ?t ?? ?n ?ff??t?v? w?? f?r l?ng-t?rm ?u?????. Y?u h?v? th? ????rtun?t? t? ?ut ??ur??lf ?n fr?nt ?f ? l?t ?f d?ff?r?nt ????l? ?? th?r? ?r? m?n? ?l???? ?n th? ?nt?rn?t wh?r? ??u ??n ?ut wr?tt?n ??nt?nt u?. B???d?? th? ?x???ur? t? ????l? th?t w?uld h?v? n?v?r ?tumbl?d u??n ??ur w?b??t?, ??u?ll ?l?? g?t ? b??kl?nk t? h?l? r???? ??ur ???r?h ?ng?n? r?nk?ng.

L?t?? l??k ?t ? 4 g??d r????n? wh? ??u n??d t? ??n??d?r wr?t?ng ?? ??rt ?f ??ur ?nl?n? m?rk?t?ng ?tr?t?g?:

1. Y?u ??n ?t?rt ? bl?g ?? ??rt ?f ??ur ?nl?n? m?rk?t?ng ?tr?t?g?


A bl?g ?? ?n ???? w?? t? g?t ? w?b??t? u? ?nd ?t?rt t? ?r???nt wh?t?v?r ?t ?? ??u?r? ??ll?ng. Th?? ?? ?n ??ur ?wn w?b ??t? ?? ??u d?n?t h?v? t? w?rr? ?b?ut ???r?v?l f?r ?n?th?ng ??u ?r? wr?t?ng. If ??u h?v? ?n? d?ff??ult? wr?t?ng ??u n??d t? und?r?t?nd th?t ? bl?g ???t ??n b? ?? ?h?rt ?? 150 w?rd? ?nd ?? ??u ??nt?nu? t? wr?t? ??u?ll f?nd ??u n?tur?ll? b???m? b?tt?r ?t ?t ?nd ??u w?ll b? wr?t?ng 300 t? 400 w?rd? ????l?.

2. Y?u ??n wr?t? ?rt??l?? ?? ? ??rt ?f ??ur ?nl?n? m?rk?t?ng ?tr?t?g?.

Wr?t?ng ?rt??l?? ?nd ?ubm?tt?ng th?m t? ? f?w g??d ?rt??l? d?r??t?r??? w?ll ????m?l??h tw? th?ng?; ??u?ll g?t ? b??kl?nk t? ? w?b ??g? ?n ??ur ??t? ?lu? ?x???ur? t? ? n?w ?ud??n??. Wh?t?? kn?wn ?? th? ?R???ur?? B?x? ?t th? ?nd ?f th? ?rt??l?? ?ll?w? ??u t? ??tu?ll? l??d th?m b??k t? ??ur ??t?.

3. Y?u ??n d? ? ?r??? r?l???? ?? ? ??rt ?f ??ur ?nl?n? m?rk?t?ng ?tr?t?g?.

A ?r??? r?l???? ??und? ???r? ?t f?r?t but th?r? ?? ? ?tr??ght f?rw?rd f?rm?t f?r th?m th?t ?? r?th?r ??m?l? ?nd th?r? ?r? m?n? g??d ?r??? r?l???? ??t?? ?ut th?r? th?t ?r? fr??!

Th? b??t ??rt ?? ??ur ?r??? r?l???? w?ll n?t ?nl? g?t ?ubl??h?d ?n th? ??rt??ul?r ??t? ??u u?? but ??n ?l?? g?t ???k?d u? b? ?th?r ??t?? th?t ?r? ?ull?ng ??nt?nt fr?m n?w? f??d? ?nd th?? ?n?lud?? G??gl? N?w?!

4. Y?u ??n m?k? ? gu??t ???t ?? ? ??rt ?f ??ur ?nl?n? m?rk?t?ng ?tr?t?g?.

A gu??t ???t ?? m?r?l? h?v?ng ? bl?g ???t wr?tt?n b? ??u ?ubl??h?d ?n ??m??n? ?l???? bl?g. Y?u?ll g?t ?t l???t ?n? l?nk b??k t? ??ur ??t? ?? w?ll ?? ?g??n b??ng ?bl? t? r???h ? br?nd n?w ?ud??n??.
Th?r? ?r? ? l?t ?f bl?g? l??k?ng f?r ?r?g?n?l ??nt?nt ?nd th?? d?n?t ?lw??? h?v? t?m? t? wr?t? ?t ?n th??r ?wn. Th?? ?l?? d?n?t w?nt t? ??? f?r wr?tt?n ??nt?nt ?? th?? ?r? w?ll?ng t? g?v? ??u ? l?nk t? ??ur ??t? ?nd th?? ?l?? g?v?? ??u ? ?h?n?? t? g?t ??ur??lf ?n fr?nt ?f th? r??d?r? ?f th??r bl?g.

Wr?t?ng g??d ??nt?nt ?? r??ll? ?n ?nl?n? m?rk?t?ng ?tr?t?g? th?t ????m?l??h?? tw? th?ng? ??mult?n??u?l? ?? ?n m??t ?n?t?n??? ??u n?t ?nl? g?t ? b??k l?nk but w?ll ?l?? b? ???n b? m?n? n?w ??t?nt??l ?u?t?m?r?.

Wh?l? thr?w?ng ?n ? k??w?rd ?hr??? f?r SEO ?ur????? wh?n wr?t?ng ??n b? ??m?wh?t d?ff??ult ?t f?r?t, ??u n??d t? r??l?z? h?w m?n? ?l???? ?n th? w?b ??u ??n g?t ??ur wr?tt?n ??nt?nt ?n. I h?v? ?nl? m?nt??n?d ? f?w h?r? but ??n??d?r th? ?m???t wr?t?ng ??n h?v? ?? ??rt ?f ??ur ?nl?n? m?rk?t?ng ?tr?t?g?.

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